Rest In Peace Cameron Boyce (May 28, 1999 – July 6, 2019)

I usually don’t comment on actors but I do believe that Cameron Boyce has done a lot of good things in his short 20 years. As well, being critical of most things, I actually can’t write one bad thing about him. I first came across Boyce’s acting when watching Grown Ups and Grown Ups 2 – when he was playing the role of Keithie Feder. Though he didn’t have many lines, he was able to make you laugh in the lines that he did have. I also remember his very small role in Mirrors which even as an older individual scares me somewhat “I’m not scared, but he is”.

In “Used Karma” (2011)

Even as an adult, I believe that Boyce could make anyone laugh whether it was the antics of Luke Ross (Jessie) or Conor (Gamer’s Guide to Pretty Much Anything). The antics of Luke could be deemed incredibly funny and I will highlight some of my favorite Luke Ross moments here like when Jessie made Luke act like a dog in the “The Kid Whisperer” or when he kept driving the BAT in G.I. Jesse or my all time favorite Jessie episode “Used Karma” which to me highlighted the friendship between Luke and Ravi (Karan Brar), practical jokes and a whole lot of fun.

I used to like watching Gamer’s Guide to Pretty Much Everything. It has been said that the show was lame and wasn’t very funny. I tend to disagree although I would agree with somewhat goofy – it was created to touch on two important themes “Friendship and Goal Setting” while adding some childish humor. The episodes that I found most humorous had to have been the pilot and “The Driver’s Test”, the interaction between Conor and Mr Spanks was priceless. With what little I know about Cameron Boyce, it would appear that these two things were important to him in real life. For example, it is public knowledge that he had moved in with his friends Sophie Reynolds (Ashley – Gamer’s Guide) and Karan Brar. An example to goal setting in his life would have to be his first fund raiser for the Thirst Project. My thoughts and prayers are with them during this difficult time.

As Carlos De vil -Descendants 2 (2017)

Being a Descendants fan, I also feel that Boyce played the VK Carlos very well and that he was an excellent fit for the role. I am a Carlos fan – he is the villain that you cheer for like when he finally succeeded in asking Jane out. My biggest disappointment is that Carlos does not have as big of a role in the movies as he does in the book series and that rather than just 3 feature films in between the books would have made a good TV series to lead up to the movies – which I did find good by the way and they led into the books perfectly and vise versa. I will post more about Descendants later.

Being critical, I must argue against the position that some critics had taken stating that Cameron didn’t know how to speak unless his speeches were scripted for him. Yes, he did us the the word um a great deal in his interviews but that is perfectly okay as that was just him thinking out loud and actually saying intelligent things rather than shooting off his mouth just because. I believe that it showed the growth of what appeared to me to be an intelligent, insightful, and genuine person who did not speak just for the sake of speaking unlike other actors who do such as Justin Bieber, who in my opinion really can’t act and has made society laugh but in a different way.

One was looking forward to see what this rising star could have done – he was set to join the great ones such as Justin Timberlake – it is devastating to see the loss of Boyce before he could live up to his full potential.

I must admit a few things, one, I was a Cameron Boyce fan and two, that I have wanted to watch some of Cameron Boyce’s adult material or more mature themes as he was working on other projects upon leaving Disney. I will hopefully be watching Runt and Mrs Fletcher sometime soon and will post when I have.

In honor of Cameron Boyce and the work he has done in his very few years, please make a donation to the Thirst Project in his memory. Thank you for making this fossil laugh. Rest in Peace Cameron Boyce.